Hei taas! Hi again!
Seuraavaksi vuorossa viikko numero viisi! Maanantai 17.10. alkoi koululla, mutta illalla menimme tyttöporukalla sushille Hanamaruun (花まる), jossa kävin ensimmäisellä viikolla, mutta tällä kertaa nappasin pari kuvaakin.
Next up week number five! Monday 17th of October started with school, but in the evening we went to eat sushi in Hanamaru (花まる) with group of girls. I visited this sushi place during my first week already, but this time I took couple pictures as well.
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Hokudai's campus |
Tiistaina kävin kokeilemassa zumbaa ja jäin heti koukkuun! Keskiviikkona koulun jälkeen tsekkasin paikalliset suomen tunnit, tämä ryhmä oli opiskellut 4 vuotta suomea.
Torstai 20.10. oli mielenkiintoinen päivä sään puolesta. Pitkin päivää jyrähteli ukkonen, sen lisäksi aamupäivällä satoi vettä, iltapäivällä räntää sekä rakeita, ja illalla jo lunta. Aurinkokin pilkahti välissä. Tuona päivänä kävimme myös juhlistamassa yhtä asuntolamme tyttöä illallisella.
On Tuesday I tried zumba and I was immediately hooked! After school on Wednesday I checked out the local Finnish lessons, this group had studied Finnish for 4 years.
Thursday 20th was an interesting day on weather's behalf. There was thunder throughout the day and in the morning it was raining, afternoon hailing and evening already snowing. Could see a glimpse of the sun as well. That day we also had a dinner to celebrate one of our dorm's girls.
Perjantai-aamu alkoi mukavasti tyttöjen brunssilla. Vaihtareiden terveystarkastuskin oli tuona päivänä ja jonotimmekin sinne yli tunnin ennen kuin meille kerrottiin, että vuoden täällä opiskelevat voivat käydä myös huhtikuussa tässä tarkastuksessa jolloin väkeäkin on vähemmän... Kiva.
Illalla asuntolamme 1. rakennuksessa (asun siis 2. rakennuksessa) pidettiin okonomiyaki-juhlat, mutta jouduin lähtemään sieltä aikaisin, sillä olin sopinut illallisesta japanilaisen ystäväni kanssa aikaisemmin. Söimme izakayassa pari tuntia ja toiset pari tuntia vietimme karaokessa.
On Tuesday I tried zumba and I was immediately hooked! After school on Wednesday I checked out the local Finnish lessons, this group had studied Finnish for 4 years.
Thursday 20th was an interesting day on weather's behalf. There was thunder throughout the day and in the morning it was raining, afternoon hailing and evening already snowing. Could see a glimpse of the sun as well. That day we also had a dinner to celebrate one of our dorm's girls.
Lasagne-doria |
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Pictures from my way to campus after it had snowed a bit |
Illalla asuntolamme 1. rakennuksessa (asun siis 2. rakennuksessa) pidettiin okonomiyaki-juhlat, mutta jouduin lähtemään sieltä aikaisin, sillä olin sopinut illallisesta japanilaisen ystäväni kanssa aikaisemmin. Söimme izakayassa pari tuntia ja toiset pari tuntia vietimme karaokessa.
Friday morning began with a nice girls' brunch. That day we also had a health check up for exchange students, and we did wait there for over an hour until we were told that students staying one year can come also in April when there's less crowd too... Nice.
In the evening there was an okonomiyaki party held in our dorm's 1st building (I live in 2nd). Unfortunately I had to leave there early because I had a scheduled meeting with my Japanese friend. We spent couple of hours eating in izakaya and another couple hours in karaoke.
Lauantai 22. päivä kului suurimmaksi osaksi katastrofin ehkäisy -kiertueella. Menimme katastrofi-keskukseen, jossa kokeilimme erilaisia simulaattoreita. Oli 3D-näytös maanvyöryistä, maanjäristys-simulaattori, palosammuttimen käyttöä, evakuointi palavasta rakennuksesta ja taifuuni-simulaattori. Keskuksen jälkeen oli vuorossa luento maanjäristyksistä, お弁当-lounas ja itsepuolustusta/karatea liikuntasalissa.
Loppukevennykseksi kävimme Asahiyama-puistossa pyörähdyksen ja palasimme keskustaan. Kokonaisuudessaan kiertue oli hyödyllinen ja ihan mielenkiintoinen.
Samana iltana oli vielä illallinen izakayassa suomalaisten kanssa, tosin kaikki eivät päässeet paikalle. Syönnin jälkeen jatkoimme karaokeen, jossa vierähtikin useampi tunti... :D Lordin Hard Rock Hallelujah ja Korpiklaanin Metsämies jopa löytyivät laulujen joukosta.
Saturday the 22nd was mostly spent in Disaster Prevention Tour. First we went to disaster centre where we tried variety of simulators. There was a 3D show about mudslides, an earthquake simulator, practice of fire extinguisher, evacuation from a burning house and a typhoon Simulator. After the centre we had a lecture about earthquakes, お弁当 lunch and self defence/karate lesson in a gym hall.
The final part of the tour was a quick visit to Asahiyama park and then we returned back to city centre. All in all I found the tour useful and pretty interesting.
Same evening we had a dinner in izakaya with Finnish people, although not everyone could make it. After eating we went to karaoke where we spent several hours... :D We even managed to find Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujah and Korpiklaani's Metsämies among the songs.
Sunnuntai-aamuna kävin kahden japanilaisen ystäväni kanssa Godzilla-näyttelyssä. Toinen heistä oli suuri Godzilla-fani ja onneksi käänsi minulle melkein kaiken näyttelystä. Nuorempana rakastin Godzilla-elokuvia ja nyt ne tekee taas mieli katsoa!Saturday the 22nd was mostly spent in Disaster Prevention Tour. First we went to disaster centre where we tried variety of simulators. There was a 3D show about mudslides, an earthquake simulator, practice of fire extinguisher, evacuation from a burning house and a typhoon Simulator. After the centre we had a lecture about earthquakes, お弁当 lunch and self defence/karate lesson in a gym hall.
The final part of the tour was a quick visit to Asahiyama park and then we returned back to city centre. All in all I found the tour useful and pretty interesting.
Same evening we had a dinner in izakaya with Finnish people, although not everyone could make it. After eating we went to karaoke where we spent several hours... :D We even managed to find Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujah and Korpiklaani's Metsämies among the songs.
Näyttelyn jälkeen kävimme syömässä ja pääsin vihdoin itsekin maistamaan okonomiyakia. Se on siis eräänlainen pannukakku, joka on täytetty kasviksilla ja lihalla, sekin tosin vaihtelee paikoittain.
On Sunday morning I went to Godzilla exhibition with my two Japanese friends. One of them was a huge Godzilla fan and fortunately translated most of the exhibition for me. When I was younger I loved the Godzilla movies and now I want to see them again!
After the exhibition we ate lunch and I finally got to taste okonomiyaki myself. It's kind of a pancake that is stuffed with vegetables and meat, though it varies depending on the place.
On Sunday morning I went to Godzilla exhibition with my two Japanese friends. One of them was a huge Godzilla fan and fortunately translated most of the exhibition for me. When I was younger I loved the Godzilla movies and now I want to see them again!
After the exhibition we ate lunch and I finally got to taste okonomiyaki myself. It's kind of a pancake that is stuffed with vegetables and meat, though it varies depending on the place.
Iltapäivällä oli vuorossa Moiwa-vuori vaihtariporukan kanssa. Parilla köysiratahissillä ylös, maisemat olivat kyllä hulppeat! Menimme auringonlaskun aikoihin, mutta oli liian pilvistä nähdä itse aurinko. Odotimme myös täyttä pimeyttä, jolloin näimme kaupungin miljoonat valot, oli hienoa! Ylhäällä oli kylmä ja tuulista ja satoi lunta kun maan tasalla satoi vettä.
In the afternoon I went to Mount Moiwa with some exchange students. Up by ropeway elevators, the views were amazing! We went there by sunset, although it was too cloudy to see the sun itself. We also waited for full darkness so we could see the millions of lights of the city, it was beautiful! Up there it was cold, windy and snowing when down it was raining.
Again pictures of me taken by a friend
Näin kului viides viikko, ensi kertaan taas! This was how my 5th week went, until next time again!
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