lauantai 30. syyskuuta 2017

First half of August


Elokuun alkupuolikas siksi, koska sen jälkeen tuli Hong Kongin reissu ja sitten lähtötoimenpiteet ja Tokiossa hengailu, joista omat postauksensa sitten.
Elokuu oli pelätty ja haikea kuukausi, koska se merkitsi vaihdon loppua... En voi vieläkään uskoa miten nopeasti elokuu saapuikin ja kaikki oli ohi. Kaksi ensimmäistä päivää kului rakkaan DaizyStripper:in konserteissa joista olin haltioissani, sillä kiertueen aikana he soittivat jokaisen levynsä läpi eri paikoissa ja Sapporo sai osakseen kaksi ensimmäistä kokopitkää levyä, jotka he julkaisivat vuonna 2010 (olin kuunnelut heitä vuoden siihen mennessä joten todella nostalgiset levyt)! Sain myös kuulla ultimate lempparibiisini, mikä oli mahtavaa! Upeat balladit olivat nostattaa kyyneleet silmiin. Avuliaat fanit myös kertoivat kuinka pääsisin ottamaan yhteiskuvan bändin kanssa, joten enköhän tarttunut toimeen ja sain toisena konserttipäivänä keikan jälkeen heittää ylävitoset ja ottaa polaroid-kuvan jäsenten kanssa, voi sitä onnen määrää! :'3

- The first half of August because after it there was the Hong Kong trip, then departure procedures and hanging out in Tokyo (will have own posts).
- August was the sad month that meant everything had come to an end, still can't believe how fast it came...
- Two first days I was in DaizyStripper concerts, they had an album tour and they played the songs from their first 2 full-lenght albums (they released them in 2010, I had been a fan for one year by then so the albums were really nostalgic!) in Sapporo. Got to hear my ultimate favourite song too.
- On the 2nd day I got to hit high fives and take a polaroid photo with the members, I was so happy! :'3

Konserttien jälkeinen päivä kului raporttien kirjoittelussa, mutta illalla oli suurempi porukka kokoontunut kampuksen puistoon istumaan, joten liityin heidän joukkoonsa kun olin valmis. Iltama oli todella mukava ja tuli juteltua syvemmin koko vaihdosta ja tulevaisuudesta. Puolenyön jälkeen kaikki lähtivät rättiväsyneinä kotiin.
Sunnuntaina 6.8. olikin viimeinen iso brunssi, josta julkaisinkin kuvia jo jossain aiemmassa postauksessa. Aiemmin viikolla oli taas draamaa kämppisten kanssa, mutta onneksi siitä(kin) selvittiin...

- The day after concerts went with writing reports, but in the evening I joined a bigger group in campus park and had a lovely evening there, talking deep stuff about the exchange and future.
- On Sunday 6th there was the last big brunch I posted photos from already. Earlier in the week there was another drama with flatmates, but luckily survived from that too...

Maanantai 7.8. oli todella mukava päivä. Oli kolme japanin koetta ja sitten koulu oli vaihtovuoteni osalta ohi! Juhlistaakseni sitä lähdin karaokeen ja kutsuin mukaani ystäväni sekä hän kutsui vielä toisen vaihtarin ja menimme kolmestaan 2,5h laulamaan, oli todella hauskaa! Laulamisen jälkeen haimme take-away sushit Hanamarusta ja söimme ne ulkona.

- Monday 7th was a really nice day. Three final Japanese exams and school was done for me! To celebrate I went to karaoke with my friend and another exchange student for 2,5 hours, super fun! After singing took take-away sushis from Hanamaru.

Seuraava päivä olikin virallinen HUSTEP-ohjelman päätöspäivä, oli haikeaa. Näki lähes kaikki vaihtarit vielä viimeistä kertaa yhdessä. Otimme paljon yhteiskuvia, jonka jälkeen siirryimme ruokalaan, jossa oli puheita, pari esitystä ja tietysti ruokaa, lol. Farewell party loppui klo 20, jonka jälkeen lähdimme valumaan kohti Odori-puistoa, jossa istuimme isossa ringissä. Ihmisiä lähti vähän väliä, useita hyvästejä, onneksi kaikista lähimmät ystäväni eivät lähteneet seuraavana päivänä. Osa porukasta (minä mukaan lukien) lähti vielä viimeistä kertaa yöklubille, ja jälleen siellä oli hauskaa!
Aamuyöllä sulkemisajan jälkeen japanilaiseen tyyliin menimme syömään vielä raamenit.

- The next day was the official closing day of the HUSTEP program, so sad. Saw almost all the exchange students together for the last time. Took lots of photos, farewell party with speeches and food, then went to Odori park.
- Spent good time in the park, lots of goodbyes though all my closest friends were not leaving yet (luckily). Some of us went to a night club for the last time and it was fun again! After closing time went to eat raamen in Japanese style.

Torstai 10.8. oli hieno päivä. Aamupäivällä menimme muutaman kaverin kanssa Taki no Reien-puistoon Makomanai:ssa. Kiertelimme aluetta ja otimme kuvia, jonka jälkeen söimme lounasta kampuksella. Sieltä jatkoimme keskustaan hieman shoppailemaan ja minä kävin syömässä vielä loistavaa kanakurria myöhemmin. Illalla kävin kahden kämppikseni kanssa läheisessä onsenissa, joka oli kyllä ihana! Sieltä palatessa liityin vielä muiden tyttöjen joukkoon toisessa kämpässä ja söimme lättyjä.

- Thursday 10th was a great day, spent noon in Taki no Reien park in Makomanai wondering and taking photos. Ate lunch in campus, went for shopping later, and I had excellent chicken curry later that day.
- Went to a lovely onsen with my 2 flatmates, later joined some other girls in another flat for crepes.

Stonehenge copy
Easter Island copy

Perjantai 11.8. olikin sitten surullisempi päivä, ilta varsinkin. Aamupäivällä taas porukalla pannukakku-paikkaan syömään (en tosin tilannut itse pannukakkuja), viimeiset purikurat ja shoppailua, ennen kuin porukka hajaantui ja kokoontui myöhemmin toiseen tyttöjen asuntolaan (Kita8). Juhlistimme samalla yhden suomalaisen vaihtarin synttäreitä. Neljä tuntia hengasimme siellä syöden, juoden ja jutellen, kunnes meidän täytyi lähteä. Jatkoimme sieltä sitten kampuksen puistoon, jonne tuli lisää henkilöitä ja jatkoimme jutustelua. Seuraavaksi menimme karaokeen, mutta osa porukasta ei jatkanut sinne, joten useat hyvästit, nyt myös yhdelle kämppiksistäni, mikä oli tosi kova paikka... Karaokessa en kauaa jaksanut ollakaan ja lähdin nukkumaan, sillä seuraavana aamuna lähti lento jälleen Tokioon.

- Friday 11th was a sad day, especially evening. Ate in a pancake café, took last purikuras and did some shopping again before people gathered in the other girls' dorm (Kita8) where we hang out for 4 hours and also celebrated one Finnish exchange student's birthday.
- After that we hang out in a campus park, more people joined us. Then we went to karaoke, but not everyone came with us, so had to say loads of goodbyes again, also to one of my flatmates which was really hard... I didn't stay long in karaoke before I went to bed, another Tokyo weekend was starting the next day.

Tokiossa olin 12.-14. päivät, lauantaina näin jälleen yhtä tuutori-opiskelijaani ja kävimme syömässä. Seuraavana päivänä oli kaksi konserttia lempiyhtyeeltäni An Cafélta, päivä- ja iltakonsertti, molemmat olivat ihania ja kaikkien hyvästien keskellä oli mukavaa olla edes hetki onnen kukkuloilla...
- Tokyo weekend was between 12-14th, on Saturday once again I saw my tutor student, had a dinner with her. The next day I went to 2 concerts of my favourite band An Café, an afternoon and evening one, both were lovely! It was nice to be happy for a while between all the goodbyes...

Ennen Hong Kongin reissua ei ihmeempiä tapahtunutkaan Sapporossa. Before the Hong Kong trip nothing much happened in Sapporo.

lauantai 9. syyskuuta 2017

Concerts during exchange year

Moikka! Heya!

Tänään oli viimeinen päiväni Japanissa ja se oli kyllä mahtava! Lisää toisessa postauksessa tosin. Koko vuosi meni todella nopeaa, mutta aivan upea vuosi se olikin, hankala uskoa että huomenna ollaan taas jo koto-Suomessa... Tässä on siis koko lista kaikista konserteista joissa kävin tämän koko vaihdon aikana. Enemmän tuli kuin olisin uskaltanut toivoa, mutta olen ikionnellinen että toteutin suurimmat unelmani! Näiden monien yhtyeiden näkeminen oli yksi suurimmista syistä miksi halusin Japaniin vaihtoon, joten nyt voin todellakin kuolla onnellisesti! <3 Samoten en uskonut, että olisin niin onnekas yhteiskuvien osalta, joita lopulta tuli 8 kappaletta (2x ROY, 2x DaizyStripper, 2x INFi2TY, 2x LONDBOY) sekä yhteen fanitapahtumaan osallistuminen! Onnistunut vuosi kerta kaikkiaan~!

Today was my last day in Japan and it was great! More about it in other post though. The whole year went fast by, but it was fantastic year indeed, can't believe I'll be home tomorrow... This is the whole list of all the groups I saw during my exchange year. More concerts than I dared to wish for, but I'm overwhelmingly happy that I fulfilled my greatest dreams! Seeing these groups was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to do exchange in Japan so now I can truly die happily! <3 Also wouldn't have believed I would get photos taken with some members/bands, 8 photos in total (2x ROY, 2x DaizyStripper, 2x INFi2TY, 2x LONDBOY) and participate in a fan event! Simply a successful year~!


24.12.2016 | 朱鷺メッセ新潟コンベンションセンター, Niigata

モーニング娘。(Morning Musume)
22.1.2017 | ニトリ文化ホール, Sapporo
*Was supposed to be on 10th of December but got rescheduled due to snow storm.

20.3.2017 | DUCE Sapporo
*Drummer Shinpei's birthday concert.

22.4.2017 | 札幌 COLONY, Sapporo

30.4.2017 | KRAPS HALL, Sapporo
*My birthday was also this day (:

3.5.2017 | わくわくホリデーホール  (札幌市民ホール), Sapporo

摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)
21.6.2017 | DUCE Sapporo

MIND-V主催『V霊 - ブイダマ _ vol.2』
(multiple acts)
DIAURA | アルルカン | Royz | DaizyStripper | LEZARD
24.6.2017 | 新宿ReNY, Shinjuku (Tokyo)

1.7.2017 | 池袋Black Hole, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
* Won the special cheki & got a photo taken with vocalist ROY 

Hello! Project
Morning Musume。| ANGERME | Juice=Juice | Country Girls | Kobushi Factory | Tsubaki Factory
29.7.2017 | ニトリ文化ホール, Sapporo

コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon)
30.7.2017 | DUCE Sapporo

1.-2.8.2017 | 札幌 COLONY, Sapporo
*On 2nd day I got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives.

アンティック-珈琲店- (An Cafe)
13.8.2017 | 品川インターシティホール, Shinagawa (Tokyo)
*There were 2 concerts; afternoon & evening one.

REIGN主催『Ikebukuro 6days』DAY 4
REIGN | Smileberry | ジャックケイパー
25.8.2017 | 池袋EDGE, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)

26.8.2017 | 新木場studio coast, Tokyo
*13th anniversary concert.

コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon)
27.8.2017 | 浜松窓枠, Hamamatsu (Shizuoka)

30.8.2017 | 恵比寿club aim, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*Vocalist ROY's birthday concert.
*Won the special cheki again so could take a photo with ROY for the 2nd time.

31.8.2017 | 新宿ReNY, Shinjuku (Tokyo)
*Got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives again.

2.9.2017 | 日本武道館, Tokyo
*SuG's final concert :'(

4.9.2017 | 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*SHIN celebrated his birthday the same day.

7.9.2017 | 東高円寺二万電圧, Tokyo
*Got 2 polaroid photos taken & talk with the band.

8.9.2017 | 名古屋HeartLand, Nagoya
*Went to a fan event the next day; handshakes, CD signing & 2 selfies with the whole band.

The 1st photo with DaizyStripper

LONDBOY members' signs from the fan event

keskiviikko 6. syyskuuta 2017

Camping & roadtrip 14th-17th of July


As the title says, we had a short camping and roadtrip in the middle of July, between all the school stress. Sorry for posting it like 2 months late, but like I've said before, I was just too busy to write it before...

We were 13 people in total, divided to a 8-person van and a 5-person car. I was in the car with 4 guys the whole trip, 3/5 of us being Finns, lol. Both of our drivers were French, our driver was driving wrong side and automatic for the first time, you can imagine we were all nervous at first but he survived really well!
Friday 14th we left after school and drove to the first campsite. There was a problem with the van group as the driver had not translated his license and we thought they could not make the trip at all, but luckily they managed to rush to the office for translation and they drove couple hours later than us. The trip took like 4 hours and we stopped every once in a while to konbini and arrived closer to midnight in the Asahikawa 21seiki no mori (旭川21世紀の森) campsite. We looked for a spot and put one tent up and sat down and chatted in the moonlight. The others arrived after 1am and put up the other tent. Some went to sleep, some talked a bit more before everyone went to sleep.

This sticker was attached to our car

The next morning sun woke us up after 5am as the tents turned into saunas... Morning routines and breakfast outside before we drove to Hokkaido's highest mountain, Mount Asahidake (2291m). Apparently we drove wrong way for some time, didn't bother though as I liked those car drives (haha cars were one of the few places with air conditioning).
Preparing for the hike and we got up with a ropeway and started over 2h hike towards the top. It was a hot day so it was nice the air got cooler the higher we got. First we had sun, then it turned to cloudy so didn't see anything from the top eventually... The hike was tougher than we all thought but we all made it, some faster than the others. Took photos and ate and got back down in an hour, it was very slippery though.
Once we got down, we went to an onsen which was relaxing, but got headache afterwards. After the onsen we drove to the next campsite in Biei. Food from supermarket and people grilled them as we had a small grill with us. Tents up, drinking and chatting, we also walked around the campsite that formed a circle. There were no lights on the other side so we had to walk with flashlights which was bit creepy haha. This campsite also had more people than previous one so it was okay to talk later, I was exhausted though and didn't stay up until morning hours like some others did.

The first campsite
Somewhere on the way to Mount Asahidake
There's our destination!
On the top!
The onsen place. This is my friend's photo.

Sunday morning we could sleep bit longer. Breakfast and cleaning again, Finnish guys made salmari from the Turkish peppers I had with me. It started to rain when we got our cars packed. First we went to the Blue Pond (青い池) that looked amazing! We walked around, took photos and moved on to the next place that was the highest onsen of Hokkaido, the Tokachidake onsen (十勝岳温泉). The serpentine roads there reminded me of the trip to the Alps with my father many years ago. :'3
It was lovely to stay in the outside pool with lovely views, the rain and the lovely company of other girls! We stayed there for long haha. After cleaning up we ate in the onsen and while waiting in the hallway, one of the tutor students from last year came in with her friends! It was a funny coincidence and we talked for a bit, it was good to see her again!

The view from Tokachidake onsen. My friend's photo.

From the onsen we drove to Furano and went to Tomita lavender farm (ファーム富田) which was a cool place as well! I bought some stuff and ate lavender ice cream that was pretty good, reminded of some other familiar favour, just don't know what, heh. We walked around the farm, took lots of photos and returned to the cars and drove to the last campsite in Lake Kanayama (金山湖). The place surprised us all by its beauty. It was nice to finally arrive when it was still daylight. Tents up and fire to the grill, it started to get dark soon. Grilled for some hours, ate and drank and listened to music. There were lots of bugs like in all the campsites (oh the amount of mosquitoe bites when we got home...). After eating we sat closer to the beach and talked more, the atmosphere was lovely! One of us suggested skinny dipping and soon people went to the lake naked, it was pitch dark but we had lanterns in the beach, it was so much fun!
After skinny dipping we dressed up and continued talking in the beach, some people went to sleep. Foxes stole one girl's bag with phone and everything there, never found it the next day...

The ones who were still awake, gathered inside the other tent and we had a massage circle before we started to sleep as well. The next morning everyone woke up in good health, it was cloudy but warm and some went for a morning swim. As I was already wearing my swimsuit, I got out from my sleeping bag and walked straight to the lake. The water was warm and it was nice to swim after a loooong time (this lake was actually the only place I swam during the whole exchange...).
After swimming we had breakfast outside again, grilled smores too. It started to rain but it didn't stop us. Then slowly we started to pack up things and load the cars. Final group photos and started to drive back towards Sapporo. The van had to be returned by 4pm so the van group went ahead, we had time until 8pm so we drove slower and stopped by the Chidorigataki waterfall in Yuubari. Driving back we listened to our countries' music (lots of Finnish songs hehe) and arrived to Sapporo around 4pm, returned the car and went home.

The trip was soooo lovely and everyone agreed it was one of the best weekends during the exchange! I miss it so much already~!