Moikka! Heya!
Tänään oli viimeinen päiväni Japanissa ja se oli kyllä mahtava! Lisää toisessa postauksessa tosin. Koko vuosi meni todella nopeaa, mutta aivan upea vuosi se olikin, hankala uskoa että huomenna ollaan taas jo koto-Suomessa... Tässä on siis koko lista kaikista konserteista joissa kävin tämän koko vaihdon aikana. Enemmän tuli kuin olisin uskaltanut toivoa, mutta olen ikionnellinen että toteutin suurimmat unelmani! Näiden monien yhtyeiden näkeminen oli yksi suurimmista syistä miksi halusin Japaniin vaihtoon, joten nyt voin todellakin kuolla onnellisesti! <3 Samoten en uskonut, että olisin niin onnekas yhteiskuvien osalta, joita lopulta tuli 8 kappaletta (2x ROY, 2x DaizyStripper, 2x INFi2TY, 2x LONDBOY) sekä yhteen fanitapahtumaan osallistuminen! Onnistunut vuosi kerta kaikkiaan~!
Today was my last day in Japan and it was great! More about it in other post though. The whole year went fast by, but it was fantastic year indeed, can't believe I'll be home tomorrow... This is the whole list of all the groups I saw during my exchange year. More concerts than I dared to wish for, but I'm overwhelmingly happy that I fulfilled my greatest dreams! Seeing these groups was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to do exchange in Japan so now I can truly die happily! <3 Also wouldn't have believed I would get photos taken with some members/bands, 8 photos in total (2x ROY, 2x DaizyStripper, 2x INFi2TY, 2x LONDBOY) and participate in a fan event! Simply a successful year~!
24.12.2016 | 朱鷺メッセ新潟コンベンションセンター, Niigata
モーニング娘。(Morning Musume。)
22.1.2017 | ニトリ文化ホール, Sapporo
*Was supposed to be on 10th of December but got rescheduled due to snow storm.
*Was supposed to be on 10th of December but got rescheduled due to snow storm.
20.3.2017 | DUCE Sapporo
*Drummer Shinpei's birthday concert.
*Drummer Shinpei's birthday concert.
22.4.2017 | 札幌 COLONY, Sapporo
30.4.2017 | KRAPS HALL, Sapporo
*My birthday was also this day (:
*My birthday was also this day (:
3.5.2017 | わくわくホリデーホール (札幌市民ホール), Sapporo
摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)
21.6.2017 | DUCE Sapporo
MIND-V主催『V霊 - ブイダマ _ vol.2』
(multiple acts)
DIAURA | アルルカン | Royz | DaizyStripper | LEZARD
24.6.2017 | 新宿ReNY, Shinjuku (Tokyo)
1.7.2017 | 池袋Black Hole, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
* Won the special cheki & got a photo taken with vocalist ROY
* Won the special cheki & got a photo taken with vocalist ROY
Hello! Project
Morning Musume。| ANGERME | Juice=Juice | Country Girls | Kobushi Factory | Tsubaki Factory
Morning Musume。| ANGERME | Juice=Juice | Country Girls | Kobushi Factory | Tsubaki Factory
29.7.2017 | ニトリ文化ホール, Sapporo
コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon)
30.7.2017 | DUCE Sapporo
1.-2.8.2017 | 札幌 COLONY, Sapporo
*On 2nd day I got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives.
*On 2nd day I got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives.
アンティック-珈琲店- (An Cafe)
13.8.2017 | 品川インターシティホール, Shinagawa (Tokyo)
*There were 2 concerts; afternoon & evening one.
REIGN主催『Ikebukuro 6days』DAY 4
REIGN | Smileberry | ジャックケイパー
25.8.2017 | 池袋EDGE, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
*There were 2 concerts; afternoon & evening one.
REIGN主催『Ikebukuro 6days』DAY 4
REIGN | Smileberry | ジャックケイパー
25.8.2017 | 池袋EDGE, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
26.8.2017 | 新木場studio coast, Tokyo
*13th anniversary concert.
コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon)
27.8.2017 | 浜松窓枠, Hamamatsu (Shizuoka)
30.8.2017 | 恵比寿club aim, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*Vocalist ROY's birthday concert.
*Won the special cheki again so could take a photo with ROY for the 2nd time.
31.8.2017 | 新宿ReNY, Shinjuku (Tokyo)
*Got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives again.
*13th anniversary concert.
コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon)
27.8.2017 | 浜松窓枠, Hamamatsu (Shizuoka)
30.8.2017 | 恵比寿club aim, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*Vocalist ROY's birthday concert.
*Won the special cheki again so could take a photo with ROY for the 2nd time.
31.8.2017 | 新宿ReNY, Shinjuku (Tokyo)
*Got a polaroid photo taken with the band & hit high fives again.
2.9.2017 | 日本武道館, Tokyo
*SuG's final concert :'(
4.9.2017 | 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*SHIN celebrated his birthday the same day.
7.9.2017 | 東高円寺二万電圧, Tokyo
*Got 2 polaroid photos taken & talk with the band.
8.9.2017 | 名古屋HeartLand, Nagoya
*Went to a fan event the next day; handshakes, CD signing & 2 selfies with the whole band.
*SuG's final concert :'(
4.9.2017 | 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM, Ebisu (Tokyo)
*SHIN celebrated his birthday the same day.
7.9.2017 | 東高円寺二万電圧, Tokyo
*Got 2 polaroid photos taken & talk with the band.
8.9.2017 | 名古屋HeartLand, Nagoya
*Went to a fan event the next day; handshakes, CD signing & 2 selfies with the whole band.
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The 1st photo with DaizyStripper |
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LONDBOY members' signs from the fan event |
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